Est. 2022

Danny’s Doggies

San Francisco, California

Services include group walks and boarding

In the heart of San Francisco, a unique business thrives on the simple yet profound joy of walking dogs with two feet and a heartbeat. This is their story, told through the eyes of Danny, owner of Danny’s Doggies, who has been in the business since 2022 and makes Tinyhorse his gear of choice.

A Day in the life at Danny’s Doggies begins with a routine that sets him apart from the rest. Without a car, he walks door-to-door, gathering his canine crew from their homes within a one-mile radius. This commitment to foot travel not only ensures good environment stewardship but also guarantees safety and exercise for the dogs under his care. 

A Day with Danny

So, picture this: every morning, Danny hits the streets around the panhandle — the doorstep of the Golden Gate Park. He's on a mission, gathering up the dogs from their homes, one by one. It's a routine he loves. Once he's got his pack together, they head to Corona Heights Park. There, surrounded by Bay Area beauty, they play and roam until they're all tuckered out. Then, it's back home as the sun sets, ending another awesome day of adventures. And you know what? Tomorrow promises to be just as great. Danny's always ready for the next big adventure with his pups!

Danny’s favourite memories come when he has more time on his hands, and it’s a beautiful day. Instead of sticking to the usual route, they venture further, all the way to the 38th Ave Park in Golden Gate Park. Taking in the sights and sounds of the park, there’s something magical about those moments. The dogs wander through the park, play and explore. 

What Danny enjoys most about these days is that the city closes the road to car traffic, giving Danny peace of mind about their safety. When they finally make their way back home, tired but content, he can't help but smile at the memories they've made together. Free from the worry of traffic thanks to the car-free JFK Drive, it’s moments like these, where the simplicity of a walk with a group of happy dogs under the San Francisco sun, captures the true spirit of dog walking.

The Tinyhorse Difference

Enter Tinyhorse — a game-changer in Danny's world. Danny found a solution to his back pain and a newfound sense of security with their innovative gear. The Tinyhorse system, coupled with a shoulder sling from Life Handle, offers unparalleled control and comfort, allowing Danny to navigate the streets of San Francisco with ease.

“The Tinyhorse system is absolutely crucial for me. At first, I tried different setups, like using a hip belt, but I started getting lower back pain from the dogs pulling on me. That's when I found the perfect combination for my needs. I use the Sidekick, which is intended for a single-dog setup. I clip it through the Carabiner, attached to my shoulder sling. Then, I clip the Pro Handler, which has knobs, to the sidekick. This allows me to have half my dogs on one side and half on the other, all attached to me with that system. With the new locking carabiners, it's really important. It gives me peace of mind that the dogs are secure and unlikely to get away."

The new hardware on Lead-All leashes that locks the leashes in place, attaching them securely to his body, means there’s less risk of an escape. This level of safety allows Danny to focus on what he does best: creating close relationships with the dogs and their humans and providing a service that goes beyond the walk.

A male Caucasian dog walker is standing to the right of a group of dogs that are leashed together with TinyHorse equipment. They are in front of the large opening of a business with a sign that says “Bird and Bear Coffee Company.” The dog walker is smiling and many of the dogs have their tongues hanging out.

Flexibility and Care

Reflecting on his journey, Danny offers advice to fellow dog walkers considering a switch to professional gear. Safety, he emphasizes, should always be a top priority, and investing in quality equipment is a must. 

“Safety is really important. Actually, Tinyhorse leashes are a big part of that, especially with your new hardware that locks them in place.”

Danny’s approach to dog walking is as flexible as it is caring. He offers personalized schedules that cater to the varying needs of his clients. This flexibility, combined with his commitment has earned him all the required insurance, permits, and licenses.

“I think it is important to have your own gear. It's more professional.”

A male Caucasian dog walker wearing a red hat, blue t-shirt and grey pants. 8 dogs surround him, and some of them are leashed to his body. The ground is covered in woodchips and there’s a sharp hill in the background. The sky is blue.

Memories and Milestones

Through Danny’s journey, we see the essence of a dog walker — a blend of dedication, community, and the joy of shared experiences. This is just a glimpse into the adventures of Tinyhorse equipment and the dog walkers like Danny who bring their products to life. It’s a testament to the power of community, and the importance of safety. Tinyhorse isn’t just a brand; it’s part of the daily routine that makes businesses like Danny’s Doggies possible. And for that, both the dogs and their walkers are eternally grateful!

Danny is a TinyHorse Ambassador. Shop with Danny or use his code at check out for 10% off your order: DannysDoggies.

Thank you, Danny!

Check out Danny’s Doggies on the official website at DANNYSDOGGIES.COM or follow him on Instagram!

Disclaimer: All views and opinions expressed in this blog series are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily reflect those of TinyHorse.

Photos and videos were submitted by the featured dog walker.