Est. 2020

Scootie's Pet Care

Waltham, Massachusetts

Services include group walks, doggie day care and in-home boarding

Paws & Painting

Imagine the joy of doing the job that you love every day and still finding time to pursue your creative passions. This is the inspiring story of Liza Foley, the neighbourhood dog walker who ensures her dogs' happiness and commits to her artistic pursuits. It's a beautiful blend of professional dedication and personal fulfilment!

Tailored Services 

What started as part-time dog walks through popular platforms like Wag and Rover quickly blossomed into a full-fledged business, servicing the lovely town of Waltham, Massachusetts and its neighbouring areas, including Newton. Liza's previous career as a teacher transferred well to dog care, and she's streamlined the organization of her business with the use of various technologies. What does Liza's caregiving nature and efficient business practices afford her? Time to paint when the dogs have their after-walk naps!

Scootie’s Pet Care, named affectionately after her own dog Scootie, offers a suite of services including boarding, daycare and exclusive group walks. A typical day for Liza is a harmonious blend of structure and flexibility.

Mornings at Scootie’s Pet Care begin with the welcoming of daycare and boarding dogs between 8 AM to 10 AM. Midday is reserved for her signature service—a group walk for six dogs that promises exercise, socialization and adventure. While her husband holds down the fort, Liza navigates the streets and parks of Newton, ensuring each dog enjoys their outing to the fullest.

After the walks, Liza balances her time between business tasks and her passion for art, moving in and out of her studio where she paints in acrylic—a medium safe for the dogs.

The day winds down with pickups from 4 to 6 PM, but not before several neighbourhood strolls that keep the dogs happy and active. In Liza’s own words, Scootie’s Pet Care is more than a job—it’s a lifestyle that allows her the joy of being her own boss, blending her love for pets with her artistic endeavours. It’s this personal touch and dedication that make Scootie’s Pet Care a beloved part of the local pet community.

Incorporating Technology

Liza Foley’s integration of technology sets up her pet care business to operate with ease. Her commitment to efficiency is evident through her use of various apps, each serving a specific purpose in streamlining her operations. PocketSuite handles her bookings seamlessly, automating reminders to clients and simplifying payment collection. Walkies, another app, not only records GPS data of the walks but also captures moments throughout the day for daycare and boarding dogs, providing clients with timely updates.

Embracing technology has been a surprising yet welcome shift for Liza, who now recognizes its power in making processes streamlined and efficient. By leveraging tools like Google Calendar, she effortlessly manages her schedule, ensuring that both she and her clients are well-informed and organized. Liza's adeptness with technology not only enhances the experience for her clients but also sets a high standard for professionalism and convenience in the petcare industry.

Tinyhorse: Providing the Professional Gear

No dog walker's journey is complete without the right gear, and for Liza, Tinyhorse is another opportunity for organization that brings success to her business. From our innovative leash management system to the durable BioThane material, Tinyhorse has been a game-changer, allowing Liza to handle multiple dogs with ease and safety.

“It was a life changer … the ability to walk hands-free is amazing.”

3 dogs leashed to a connecting ring. The leashes are bright blue TinyHorse leashes.

The convenience of having a ring to attach multiple leashes gave her the freedom to grow her pack, while the hands-free capability provided by the Handler meant she could walk with ease, without the fear of any dog slipping away. She praises the BioThane leashes for their durability, a crucial feature when dealing with the wear and tear of daily walks.

Liza’s advice to fellow dog walkers is clear: investing in TinyHorse is investing in your business’s potential to flourish. It’s a game changer that ensures safety, control and the ability to scale up operations, making it an indispensable tool for anyone in the petcare industry.

“Even owners with just one dog can benefit from the TinyHorse system as it helps with safety and allows you to be hands-free! Invest in BioThane from the start, this material is super durable.”

5 small to medium dogs leashed to colourful green and blue TinyHorse leashes. There’s a King Charles Spaniel, a brown doodle, a miniature poodle, a Pekingese mix and a small terrier mix.

Advice for Aspiring Dog Walkers

For those looking to venture into the world of pet care, Liza offers advice: trust the process, embrace technology and never underestimate the power of community. She advocates for the integration of technology to enhance efficiency and professionalism, a practice that has transformed her own business. 

It’s not just about walking dogs. She gets to keep learning new skills and dive into her hobbies. It’s like the job gives her this awesome space to grow and do her own thing, you know? It’s a sweet setup that mixes work with her passions. Totally the dream, right?

Thank you Liza and everyone at Scootie's Pet Care

Follow Scootie's Pet Care! Link to Liza's artist page is in the bio.

Disclaimer: All views and opinions expressed in this blog series are those of the interviewee and do not necessarily reflect those of TinyHorse.

Photos and videos were submitted by the featured dog walker.